We were home today (I work at home) and the guy who comes over to work out with me and my wife says "look what was in your door"....my office has a door to the outside and my doors open alot of the time and they STILL sneaked it on our porch without me seeing...it had to be between 9:30 and 9:55....crazy....my wife has been waiting for years to go at it with them.
D in Dallas
JoinedPosts by D in Dallas
I got the tract!
by kittyeatzjdubs inand they didn't even knock on the door!!!
i meant to post this earlier but i forgot all about it.
Single Dad- spark
by D in Dallas inhey all, i've been reading this sight for a year now and have never posted.the last topic sparked my "need" to do so.i got a girl pregnant 13 yrs.
ago that i really didn't know that well.
she turned out to be a "non-practicing j.w", according to her, until she became pregnant and realized that i was not going to marry her....i knew her for about a week.
D in Dallas
thank you all for the great advice. I have immersed myself over the past 13 yrs. about JW and have a great deal of knowledge about them.We show him the alternative ways of thinking about rel. and the bible but don't try to push it down his throat like they do. He knows that things don't make sense but gets unbeliveable pressure from them. I also HAVE let him read this site on a number of occasions and have shown him some of the videos on YouTube....I'll be in my office watching with the vol. up and he'll come and sit down and watch...so I'm being a little sneaky too ;) I'll keep doing what I'm doing...just seems like I'm losing the battle and the war sometimes.
Thanks again everyone! Good to be here!
Single Dad- spark
by D in Dallas inhey all, i've been reading this sight for a year now and have never posted.the last topic sparked my "need" to do so.i got a girl pregnant 13 yrs.
ago that i really didn't know that well.
she turned out to be a "non-practicing j.w", according to her, until she became pregnant and realized that i was not going to marry her....i knew her for about a week.
D in Dallas
thanks ya'll...I can see your replies when I go to my post history but my post is not showing up on my screen under FRIENDS...my first time so any clue what I may be doing wrong?
Single Dad- spark
by D in Dallas inhey all, i've been reading this sight for a year now and have never posted.the last topic sparked my "need" to do so.i got a girl pregnant 13 yrs.
ago that i really didn't know that well.
she turned out to be a "non-practicing j.w", according to her, until she became pregnant and realized that i was not going to marry her....i knew her for about a week.
D in Dallas
Hey all, I've been reading this sight for a year now and have never posted.The last topic sparked my "need" to do so.I got a girl pregnant 13 yrs. ago that I really didn't know that well. She turned out to be a "non-practicing J.W", according to her, until she became pregnant and realized that I was not going to marry her....I knew her for about a week. Anyway, we shared custody 50/50 until he was 4 yrs. old at which time we went to court because she wanted 100% control. She is absolutely nutty in every sense of the word and I was given primary custodian and he's lived with me ever since and is getting ready to turn 13 in November. He has 1st,3rd and 5th weekends with her and Tuesday evenings until 8:00. She also married a few yrs. ago to an non-J.W. who shows no interest in her beliefs and says that it's "her business".I also married almost 5 yrs. ago and have 3 small children who adore their big brother as he does them. He's smart, well rounded and loved by all who know him. His mom has continued to disparage us and our beliefs from day 1...."we bad for celebrating holidays, flag, etc"....you all know the spill.
For about the past year she and her family...sisters, mother, etc. have really put the hammer down on him and I can see the change. He's starting to question all the things he does and is in constant turmoil because of all the b.s. they are feeding him. We do all we can by exposing him to all kinds of stuff and teaching him the importance of free thinking and questioning things, etc. He's super smart, makes all A's, plays football, basketball, baseball...goes to youth group and church with us...has tons of Normal friends...hardly any JW friends (3) but comes home from her house flat...depressed, etc. He says that alot of the stuff makes sense when she's telling it to him but "it still doesn't make sense". He also has gone to a child play counselor since he was 8 yrs. old....she says to keep doing what were doing and he'll be okay...that he knows what is right and wrong...but cannot seperate the religeon from his mom...she treats him inappropriately like he's still a 4 yr.old...coddling, talking to him like he's a baby...calling him pooter bear, sugar bee, etc. Really weird stuff but noone wants to "tread on her religeous rights".
I am here to seek advise from anyone out there. I know alot of your stories and have a huge fear that no matter what we do she is going to guilt and shame him into buying into this stuff finally. He loves holidays and b-day parties but gets the whole "you know Jeh. isn't happy with you when you do those things....don't you want to please Jeh?"
Anyway, sorry for the long post. I appreciate all of you and what you've been thru and love that you were able to get out of this evil org. and do what you want to do.
Thanks for letting me be a part of this.
D in Dallas